Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy and how we use Cookies

Who are we?

The Knaresborough Community site is run by a group of local people on a voluntary basis, with support from Knaresborough Connectors.

What is this page about?

This page describes what personal information we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it, and how we address any concerns you may have about it.

Could this policy change?

Yes, it could. If the policy changes we will update this page, so please come back here if you ever have any concerns.

The policy details may change, but except as required by law we will never share your information with third parties, and we will never use your information in a way that you have not consented to in advance.

Why do we collect any personal information, and what is the legal basis for it?

  • For people with a login to the site, we hold your name and email address. We do not hold your password in plain text (only its "fingerprint" so that we can log you in).
  • For people who have submitted information about groups, activities and resources we hold your name, email and/or phone number.
  • For people listed as contacts for those groups, activities and resources we hold one or more of your name, email and phone number as provided and specified by you to help site users contact you.

In terms of the GDPR, the legal basis for our holding this information is consent. If you tell us that you withdraw your consent, we will remove your information.

What about cookies?

We do use: -

  • Temporary "session cookies" to keep you logged in and deliver the pages that you access.

We do not use: -

  • Persistent cookies that exist after you have closed your browser.
  • Third party cookies such as those used for social media, marketing, or by e.g. Google Analytics.

What do we do with the information?

  • We use contact information to keep in touch and keep the data you provide about groups, activities and resources up to date.
  • We display the contact information that you provide explicitly for that purpose to help site users contact you.
  • We use user account information to let you log in.

Do we share the information with anyone else?

Absolutely not.

What rights do you have?

You have the right to ask us what information we hold about you, tell us to correct it if it is wrong, or to instruct us to remove it if you wish.

If you have any concerns, please email

For more information about privacy, please visit the ICO website.