Things to do in Knaresborough

If you asked 10 different Knaresborians what their favourite things to do in the town were, you are likely to get 10 different answers. We have listed below just some cool fun things to do in our town that are free!

Conyngham Hall

With a history that dates back to 1442 and was once the home of Knaresborough Zoo, Coynyngham hall is well worth a visit. More recently ‘The Kiosk at Conyngham‘ has been taken on by local community groups, led by Chain Lane Community Hub. The Kiosk is the home of Crazy Golf, Tennis Courts (both pay as you feel), great refreshments and will act as an outdoor venue for groups and community activities.


Trompe l’oeil map walk

Knaresborough’s Town Windows are a collection of public artworks illustrating characters and events from the town’s long and rich history.


Jacob Smith Park

Bequeathed to the community of Knaresborough by Winifred Jacob Smith MBE, it was her wish that the park should be opened for all generations to enjoy “the freedom and beauty that public parks bring.” The park is for all ages to enjoy with a doggy friend or without; a place to be a child or to rediscover being a child – to run free. It’s where we can all learn to care about nature and how to help support it best to encourage new habitats, and conserve those that already exist.

Knaresborough Castle

Overlooking the River Nidd, the ruins of Knaresborough Castle have many a story to tell. Built in 1100 our fortress has had links to some of the most notable figures in history. More recently these public grounds are open for all to explore, with a putting and bowling green open in the summer – and hosting one of the most iconic views in Yorkshire (the classic viaduct shot!) Our Castle is well worth a visit.

Knaresborough Library

Perfectly located in the market place in the centre of Knaresborough, our community Library is somewhere you must check out. As well as being able to borrow books (for free), the library provides valuable local information on things to do locally, and runs all sorts of groups to participate in – Pop in and check it out next time you are in the marketplace. See opening times here

Knaresborough Library is also home to Newcastle Building Society.

Bebra Gardens

Berba Gardens is a small, attractive park close to Knaresborough Castle. This hidden gem, which provides a haven from the hustle and bustle of the town, is named to honour Knaresborough’s links with Bebra in Germany. The gardens are on a steep slope aligned with meandering pathways that lead you through mature trees and plants. The paddling pool, open in the summer, is also great fun for little ones.

Aspin Pond

Aspin Pond was full of rubbish, overgrown and with no water, until 2012 when it was reformed by The Friends of Aspin Pond. It now attracts a wide variety of amphibians such as frogs, toads and newts, and birds such as robins, blue tits, and if you are really lucky you might spot a woodpecker or a sparrowhawk. With a playpark just round the corner, this is an ideal educational way of getting the little ones out and about.

The Lido

The Knaresborough Lido is the name of a short stretch of the river Nidd next to a caravan park and the perfectly situated Windmill cafe. On a sunny day, this is a gorgeous spot to sit and think about all that’s right with the world, with an ice-cream in hand (of course!) Some brave souls also take a dip here to take part in a bit of wild swimming.

Blue Plaque Trail

Take a walk through Knaresborough visiting the important historical sites of our town. The Knaresborough Civic Society has created the awesome ‘Blue Plaque Guide’ to show you the way.