Resurrected Bites - Community Groceries

Subscription scheme offering affordable, good-quality food for individuals and families in financial hardship

Resurrected Bites offer an affordable way for individuals and families to access good quality food.

Not only does this help you to save money, it also means you’re helping the environment by stopping good quality food going to landfill.

The food comes from supermarkets and other suppliers who might otherwise have to throw it away. Often, the food reaches Resurrected Bites because of an over-supply that means there’s just too much to sell or because it is close to its ‘best before’ date. ‘Best before’ dates indicate when food is at its freshest, and are not the same as ‘use by’ dates, so the food is always completely safe to eat and often still just as good as the day it was made.

The community groceries are run through a subscription scheme and are for people who are in financial hardship. For a small annual fee, you can have access to the shop and pay a very low rate for whatever you buy. It costs just a fraction of a normal supermarket shop and it saves thousands of tonnes of food from going to landfill every week.

Membership of community groceries is £5 per household for a year. As a member, you can shop up to twice a week at your local community grocery. A 1-3 person household then only pays £4 per shop for a set number of items. A 4+ person family can get twice as much food and it costs £8 per shop. This price includes a set number of items from each category. You can try shopping at the grocery twice before you need to purchase a membership, to make sure it is the right thing for you. When you first come in, the grocery manager will have a short chat with you to better understand your circumstances and decide if the groceries are suitable for you. Whilst Resurrected Bites would love to be able to sign everyone up, they would not have enough food to help those who are in dire need and therefore they can only sign up people who are in food poverty.
Friday 9,00am-2.30pm @ Gracious St Church (COGS) (last entry 2.15pm)

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