Harrogate district of Sanctuary / Knaresborough Cares

The Harrogate District of Sanctuary Group - aiming to raise awareness locally about the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers.

The Harrogate District of Sanctuary Group was formed in November 2016 following the arrivals, starting in July 2016, of several families of Syrian Refugees.

We aim to raise awareness locally about the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers, especially those fleeing war and persecution in their own countries: we aim to create, in the Harrogate District, an environment where refugees and asylum seekers feel, welcome and included in our society and to challenge discrimination and negative attitudes through positive action and healthy discussion.

We arrange open meetings with a variety of speakers and we are happy to talk to local groups, such as Rotary, Women’s Institute etc about our work.. We also support the work of other groups in the District, such as Refugees Welcome in Harrogate, the Harrogate School of English, the Islamic Association of Harrogate, and also the Refugee Council.

We would love for you to consider volunteering with us!

A volunteer with us could do one or more of the following;

- Be committed to challenge negative attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees
- Invite someone to speak about Harrogate District of Sanctuary, and the issues facing refugees and asylum seekers, to your group
- Provide a meeting space for activities
- Offer volunteering opportunities so that people can practise their English and improve their chance of employment
- Explore ways of giving financial support.

Not Supplied
Adult, 60+

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