T'ai Chi (Lee style)

Lee style Ta’i Chi as taught by Professor Chee Soo. The movement of T'ai Chi aims to benefit joints, muscles and posture, while relaxing the mind and body, improving concentration and coordination, and improving physical and emotional balance.

Lee style Ta’i Chi as taught by Professor Chee Soo.

The movement of T'ai Chi aims to benefit joints, muscles and posture, while relaxing the mind and body, improving concentration and coordination, and improving physical and emotional balance.

Monday day class @ £6 per class and Tuesday evening class @ £7 per class. All ages and abilities are welcome.
Mondays 9.45 - 10.45am and Tuesday 6.15 - 7.15pm @ Knaresborough Wellbeing Hub, 79 Stockwell Avenue HG5 0LG

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